Brookville Community Ski Club

12 days ago

Brookville Community Ski Club invites you to take part in the 2024-25 Holiday Valley Ski Season.  The Club is open to all Brookville students and their families. You have never skied or snowboarded before?  Problem solved with Club passes. Pick a package that has free lessons included! There are many flexible packages and rentals with reduced club prices to get you on the slopes this winter.  To purchase passes , enter the following link and use the following username and password:


Holiday Valley Store

Prices valid through November 1, 2024.

Any questions? Reach Erin McCronich at

Ultimate Holiday Valley Passes

SUN Bucks Benefit Information

a month ago

The Department of Human Services (DHS) is currently issuing the 2024 SUN Bucks benefit ($120 per eligible student) to the families of all eligible students. They expect to be distributed by October 2024.

Even though free breakfasts and lunches are available to all BASD students not all students are entitled to this benefit. Families should use the following resources to see if they are eligible for benefits based on 2023-2024 school year eligibility data.

DHS is the lead agency for SUN Bucks benefits and not Brookville Area School District. All questions and inquiries should be made through one of the DHS SUN Bucks Resources provided.

DHS SUN Bucks Resources:

1. DHS SUN Bucks website:

2. Eligibility Navigator – a tool on the DHS SUN Bucks website that allows families to determine if their child is automatically eligible for SUN Bucks and whether they need to apply. Online: SUN Bucks Eligibility Navigator (

3. SUN Bucks application – a fillable online form on the DHS SUN Bucks website or a paper form obtained at the family’s County Assistance Office (CAO). 

  • SUN Bucks applications are due by 8/31/2024 to be considered for the 2024 benefit. Applications received by DHS after 8/31 will be considered during the2025 summer application period.
4.  Family FAQs – printed on the DHS SUN Bucks website

5.  Recorded Family FAQs - 1-877-762-1575

6.  SUN Bucks questions via phone beginning 8/19/2024:  1-877-395-8930, or1-215-560-7226 in Philadelphia

Occupational Assessment Tax Information

a month ago

Occupational taxes are being collected by Berkheimer for the Brookville Area School District.  The tax is levied at three levels ($50 for laborers, $85 for skilled labor, and $105 for professional/managerial).  There are example occupations for each level listed on the reverse side of the CHANGE form that is included with your tax bill.  If you need to adjust your assessment to another level, fill out the CHANGE form listing your adjusted occupation and mail the following three items to HAB-MISC, PO Box 25144, Lehigh Valley, PA  18002:

   1) the signed CHANGE form certifying your assessment adjustment,

   2) the stub from your original bill noting your revised amount, and

   3) your payment of the adjusted amount due to Berkheimer. 

A copy of the CHANGE form is available by clicking HERE.

If you receive a bill and as of July 1, you were retired, unemployed, a homemaker, active US military, clergy, full-time student or have moved out of Brookville Area School District, you may be EXEMPT from the tax. If you fall into one of these categories, you need to apply for an EXEMPTION by completing the EXEMPTION form and returning it to the school district by October 31.  The EXEMPTION form is available online by clicking HEREThe form is also available at the District’s Administrative Office located at 104 Jenks St., Brookville or by calling 814-849-1136.  

If you have any questions regarding occupational taxes, please call the Brookville Area School District Business Office at 814-849-1136.

Free Breakfast and Lunch for Students

a month ago

Brookville Area School District is pleased to announce that all enrolled students are eligible to receive a nutritional breakfast and lunch each school day at no charge for the entire 2024-2025 school year. 

No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate without paying a fee or submitting an application as part of the district's participation in CEP (Community Eligibility Provision). 

Board Evaluates Superintendent

a month ago

June 20, 2024

The Brookville Area School Board conducted its annual formal evaluation of Dr. Erich May this month and met in Executive Session on June 17, 2024, to review and discuss the outcome. The Board uses an evaluation rubric provided by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association.

Dr. May earned distinguished or proficient ratings in a majority of the Objective Performance Standards: Student Growth and Achievement, Organizational Leadership, District Operations and Financial Management, Communication and Community Relations, Human Resource Management, and Professionalism. The Board discussed with Dr. May areas where they believe improvements can be made.

Dr. Erich May

As part of their annual evaluation, the board also monitored the status of the goals set by the superintendent. Dr. May’s annual goals for 2023-2024 were as follows: report on academic achievement and efforts to improve those results; lead induction program for new teachers, mentor new administrators, and organize districtwide inservice days; obtain permits for the turf and track project; and analyze current staffing levels and make recommendations as to the feasibility of reducing the workforce.

WANTED: Bus and Van Drivers

a month ago

Bus drivers are very important people. They carry precious cargo, and they set the tone for the school day. We are so grateful for the great men and women who drive buses and vans for Brookville Area Schools. The contractors who employ our bus and van drivers are looking to hire. If you are interested, please call Teresa Haines at (814) 229-7663 or Peggy Strohm at (814) 952-1349.

school bus clipart courtesy of

BASD no longer using TV and radio to announce delays

a month ago

October 19, 2023

The Brookville Area School District will no longer be using television and radio to announce weather related delays and closures. The administration surveyed parents last year and asked how they received information about delays and closures. Only one out of 300 respondents looked to television and radio. Going forward, the district will rely on its robocalls, texts and emails to families, as well as the district website and Facebook.

The superintendent continually monitors road and weather conditions. That includes inspecting surfaces, checking temperatures and reviewing forecasts, as well as communicating with road crews, transportation staff and neighboring school districts. Dr. Erich May takes into account those considerations and more when deciding whether school should be delayed, closed or dismissed early.

When school is delayed, buses and vans will operate two (2) hours later than the normal schedule. Depending on conditions, it is possible that a two hour delay will become a closure. It is also possible for school to be held with modified bus routes. The transportation department will attempt to notify affected families by phone whenever a bus is not going to run its entire route.

Brookville Area School District has been approved for up to five (5) remote learning days, which are also called Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs). FIDs are used on days when school is closed for bad weather. It is likely, however, that the district will have one true snow day when classes will be cancelled and the day will be made up in May.

Outside of one traditional snow day, other days when schools are closed will be remote learning days (FIDs) when students are expected to get on their computers and/or do school work that was provided in advance. Depending on conditions, the traditional snow day may or may not be the first day that school is closed for weather. If, for instance, school is closed for an ice storm, families can expect a remote learning day. “It’s the fluffy white stuff that we want for a true snow day,” said Dr. May.

It is more important than ever that the district have updated contact information for parents and families. Parents and guardians are asked to call their child’s school with changes to phone numbers and email addresses.

Raider Time - After School Program for Grades 1 - 6

a month ago

Raider Time is our after school program for students in grades 1st-6th to educate, empower, inspire, and enjoy!  We will work with students to build academic and social-emotional competence while promoting strong connections and a sense of community.  There is no charge for the program, but there are rules and standards that must be followed for the benefit of all students and staff involved.

Enrollment application forms can be found on the district website and will be distributed to all students in homeroom.  Please complete a new form for each child you are enrolling in the program.  If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Weible, the Afterschool Program Coordinator, at (814) 849-8372 ext. 3107 or

Raider Time graphic

CDC Updates Guidance

a month ago

Posted August 18, 2022

Dear parents and families,

We are looking forward to seeing all of our students next week. We are running the same bell schedules as last year – including early dismissals on Fridays – and school starts Wednesday, August 24. Recognizing that students need to be in school, the CDC has updated its recommendations regarding COVID. In short, the new guidance represents a shift from institutional direction to individual responsibility. In keeping with this latest guidance, we will no longer be conducting contact tracing or informing families of the need to quarantine. Students and staff who test positive should isolate for at least five days, but they are welcome to return when their symptoms subside. As with strep and the flu, students and staff should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of meds before returning to the building. In sum, families should keep sick kids at home and follow their doctors’ orders. Thank you for taking these precautions and for trusting and supporting us in the year to come. 


Erich May, Ed.D.


Host Families Wanted

a month ago

Brookville Area School District does not have a foreign exchange student this fall, so districtleaders are encouraging local families to consider hosting an international student.

“It’s a great way to add some diversity to our schools and community,” said SuperintendentErich May. Dr. May added, “Exchange students add something special to our schools, but theyalso create a great experience for host families.”

Study abroad programs bring people together, increase cultural understanding, and promote afriendlier world. Families who would consider hosting an exchange student can work withvarious agencies, including the Pan Atlantic Foundation.

In fact, Pan Atlantic has a representative right here in Jefferson County. Mrs. Beth Weiland, ofCorsica, is currently hosting a student from Thailand. She would be happy to answer questionsfor potential host families, and she can be reached at

Pan Atlantic does offer full year placements, but they are currently looking to place students forthe second semester, starting in January. This five month commitment includes room andboard, but natural families send spending cash, and the agency provides health insurance forstudents. Host families just need to set an extra place at the table.

Pan Atlantic students all speak English, although improving their skill with the language is oneof the goals of the program. Students from Korea, Spain, Italy and Germany are looking forhomes for January. For more info, call Mrs. Weiland or visit

BASD Seeks to Expand Pool of Substitute Teachers

a month ago

BASD wishes to expand our pool of enthusiastic people who would like to work as substitute teachers. Did you know that anyone with a Bachelor's degree, regardless of the major, can apply to be a substitute teacher? The District can obtain an emergency permit through the PA Department of Education, which is valid for one school year. Additionally, districts can request a re-issuance of emergency permits for day-to-day substitutes on a yearly basis. Requirements include the following:

  • Proof of Bachelor's degree from an accredited university
  • Background clearances
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien status (green card)

If you are interested, please contact us for more information on the processes and procedures; we can help you. Please contact Judi Anthony at 814-849-8372, Ext. 1119, or by email to:

BASD logo

U.S. Selective Service Information

a month ago

I'm writing to provide information on the U.S. Selective Service System and answer any questions you and your students might have regarding registration requirements.

We would greatly appreciate your assistance with informing your 17/18-year old students the requirement to register and encouraging them to register with the U.S. SSS as soon as possible.  Please feel free to refer to our agency's website for more information:

I'm based in the Pittsburgh area and I would be happy to answer any questions regarding registration requirements as needed.  My contact information is in the signature block below.

Thank you for supporting our nation's defense.  

Joe Miller
Joseph C. Miller
Major, U.S. Air Force
Detachment PA 1-13
U.S. Selective Service System 
PHONE: 412-952-3642

Property Tax Relief - Homestead and Farmstead Exclusions

a month ago

The Taxpayer Relief Act provides for property tax reduction allocations to be distributed by the Commonwealth to each school district. Property tax reduction is then provided to homeowners through homestead and farmstead exclusion(s). School districts are required to notify homeowners by December 31 of each year if their property is not already approved for this tax reduction. Applications for 2020 will be mailed out soon. Please note, if you own multiple properties, you will receive applications for each property that is not already approved. A property owner can only have one PRIMARY residence receive the homestead exclusion. A primary residence is where you intend to reside permanently until you move to another home.You may not claim multiple properties as your primary residence.

Tax reduction varies from year to year based on the Commonwealth’s distribution of funds and the number of homestead/farmstead properties that are approved. In recent years, approved homesteads in the Brookville Area School District have each received an annual tax reduction of approximately $200. If you had been approved for the 2019 Fall School Real Estate Taxes, you would have noticed a homestead credit listed on your tax bill and, if applicable, an additional farmstead credit up to the same amount. In order to be considered a farmstead, the property needs to be the primary residence of the owner, be at least ten contiguous acres in area, and include buildings or structures that are used for the purpose of commercial agricultural production.

If you receive a 2020 Application for Homestead and Farmstead Exclusions that lists your PRIMARY residence, please read the instructions carefully. If you believe you qualify for the homestead or farmstead exclusion(s), you need to return a completed form to the Jefferson County Assessment Office by March 1, 2020.

If you have been previously approved for a homestead or farmstead property tax reduction and the property no longer qualifies for the homestead or farmstead exclusion(s), you must notify the assessor at 849-1526 within 45 days of the change. Any person who files an application that contains false information, or who does not notify the assessor of a change in use which no longer qualifies as homestead or farmstead property, will be required to pay the taxes due, plus interest and penalties, and pay any applicable fines.

If you have any questions regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to call the business office at Brookville Area School District at 814-849-1103.

BASD Food Service Offers Online Application for Free & Reduced Meals

a month ago

The Brookville Area School District has made it faster and easier for parents to apply for free and reduced meals.

This free service enables families to receive program benefits faster than using the paper application.  Your application is electronically submitted directly to the child nutrition office for processing.
* Submit an application in minutes
* Easy-to-follow steps
* Faster processing
* Safe and secure

To get started visit .

Please visit the Brookville Area School District Food Service web page for more information.

Paper applications are available at the school offices, cafeterias or by calling the Food Service Department.

Rebecca Kammerdeiner
Food Service Director
(814) 849-1138

School Closing/Delay Information

a month ago

Brookville Area School District utilizes a number of resources to inform the public of school closings and delays.  The following is a list of those resources.

NOTE: Due to the potential for technical difficulties on any given day, it's important to not rely on a single source for school closing/delay information.

cold weather campus picture

  • School Messenger - The district's mass notification system used to send automated phone calls, text messages, and emails to GUARDIANS and district staff.  More information about the SchoolMessenger system can be found HERE.

  • BASD Website -

  • BASD Facebook -

  • BASD X (formerly Twitter) -

  • Electronic Sign - Located at the main drive entrance to Brookville Jr./Sr. High School on Jenks St.

Updated November 6, 2023